Sunday, May 30, 2010


Confession number one:
I'm kinda sucky at this blogging thing.

("Really?" you say? "Nahhhh, you're too hard on yourself...")

No, really. I KNOW I'm not (ahem) timely about postings. But I'm gonna try harder. I found Facebook a few months ago and let that take over as my way of "expressing myself" - but I'm trying to get away from doing that too much. Find it's just a lil' bit wierd. But I DID manage to find folks on-line that I haven't heard from in a LONG time, so that was pretty cool. Since the last time I posted I also went on a cruise with my mom's side of the family - awesome time, complete with lots of laughs, great food, and a wicked sunburn...oh, yeah, and a new found respect for the ocean and the blessings of being able to live in this country. God's been REALLY good to me.

Confession number two:
Good thing: I have my "play space" back - both kids moved out this spring, and I was able to set up the (ahem) "studio" again. Glad for that. So's my husband - all of my junk is in one room again...

Bad thing: I miss them. The kids, I mean. Despite having not enuf room here for four adults to peacefully coexist, I miss having them around - the laughing, daily conversations about life in general and common interests have been relegated to maybe weekly conversations by phone, or the occasional text message. And my husband has NO INTEREST in watching certain TV shows with me...

Which leads me to Confession number three:
I think I've become a Gleek.

I blame Carma.

Started watching it with her when she was here. (She got me wrapped up in Grey's Anatomy, too..) I used to get irritated with her taking up all the DVR space with her Dance recordings...and I've now managed to do the same with my weekly recordings of Glee. I feel slightly ashamed that I watch it...but it's o so much fun!!

Besides the Madonna episode, this is my favorite clip this season ...

Confession number four:
I've not allowed myself to play with clay too much lately. Here's a few of the things I've managed to create over the winter...

The pendant is faux jade - made with translucent clay and green embossing powder. I used a mold of a moon face and squared it off with a blade... and finished it with a sterling bail.

The apple earrings are my first experiment with miniatures - made from a tute in The Polymer Clay Cookbook by J. & S. Partain - just chock full of lil' goodies! I saw clay minis in person last October at the Crafty Bastards Arts & Crafts Show in NW DC last October and was intrigued - how could one create something so small? Now I know. My apples aren't as small as what I saw at the show, but you know what they do you get to Carnegie Hall? Practice...

Finally, I may have mentioned before that a poly clay artist I met in Baltimore a few years ago told me the best way to get over any creative slump and "lasso" the Muse is to occasionally allow for a poly clay play day with others. So on the 19th of June, I'm taking a class in Virginia from Lindly Haunani - one of the craft's recognized experts on poly clay and color. What will I end up with? I'll let you know. I'm excited to get a chance to play, soak up some poly clay knowledge, and make something pretty.

Ciao for now...