Tuesday, April 24, 2012

MY Poly Clay Tutor

Been gone awhile, I know...no postings since last fall......sheesh.....

if you could see my play room, one would think I'd be neck-deep in projects, but that is not the case.  I'd show you a photo, but I'm too 'shamed to let you see what it looks like...a hot mess right now.  Thre is an adage that goes something like "a place for everything, and everything in its place"...but for me...lately...not so much.

I've been collecting new tools and toys in the hopes that I'll be able to get back in there and play more - but we'll see. I have, however, been buying Premo (great new colors), and trying to keep up with what's going on in the poly clay world - mostly thru magazines.  But there's one way I look forward to every Friday.

Have I ever told you about Cindy Lietz?  She's a Canadian poly clay artist who has a website called http://www.beadsandbeading.com/blog/ that has LOTS of tips, tricks and eye candy.  The Best Thing, however, is her weekly color recipes and tutorial videos.  You never know what she's gonna come up with next, and it's Always Fun and Easy To Do.  One of my all- time favorites is the tute on the Teardrop Skinner Blend method - saves a lot of time!  And check out the clover in the photo below- can you believe that she made those out of polymer clay?  Crazy, huh? 

Told ya - she's awesome!!

I love her style of teaching, how she shares where she gets her supplies, and showcases other people's work.  She even gives us an occasional glance into her studio (WAY cleaner than mine, I might add). and the color recipes!!  Sign up on her blog and get a free recipe card each week...but you can get even more if you subscribe to her site.

It does cost to get the videos  and recipes each week, but for me it's worth it - I've learned So Much from this woman, and always enjoy reading about the success of other artists out there.  I also like her Facebook page - one more way to keep up with the things she teaches and shares.  Oh, yeah, and occasionally there's a free video on the 5th Friday of a month, so go check it out....you might be so smitten that you will sign on for lessons as well!  She has a beginners course that's well worth it, as is the other vids she offers.

So Thank You, Cindy - for all of the fun tutes, the yummy colors, and for the way you teach.  I look forward to Fridays a lil' more because of you!

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