Sunday, February 22, 2009

Cristi Friesen and a Bad Hair Day..., not Christi's hair - I'm talkin' 'bout my own...

Christi Friesen is a fabulous polymer clay artist with a slightly twisted sense of humor and a wonderful easy-breezy teaching style. I would love to have a chance to take a class from her! I’ve read pretty much all of her books and I am a constant lurker in her Yahoo group. I’m fascinated with how she makes creating with clay SO easy! She’s really fond of critters – and in one of her recent books entitled Cats, she shows how to create clay cats of all kinds - large and small. Besides - I understand she accepts chocolate as tribute from her students ... as a Godiva Chocolate gurl, I totally understand!! Check out her website - TONS of great eye candy in there!

Being a Leo, I’m quite fond of lions. This one is my first attempt at making one – I call it “Bad Hair Day”. Those who know me can attest that I have many of those…bad hair days, not lions. The piece is about 4” across – right now it hangs on the wall of my studio...

(ahem…the room previously known as my daughter’s room).

I’ve also uploaded a few more photos – a couple more leaf pins, and a few examples of the art doll angels I made for my office mates for Christmas. Feel free to go to my Flickr page to take a look. Check out the slide show on the left...

Ta for now – I’m off to watch the Oscars!

1 comment:

Maher's Mom said...

Wow! Cheryl, you really have skills. I love your work girl. I even created a yahoo account just so that I can view your pieces on flicker. I love every piece...even the Cowrie Shield Pin, which I initially thought was a tribute to the female anatomy...if you get my drift.